OK well You Belong With Me is like one of my favorite songs every time i hear it i want to sing and when i am in the car i will sing out loud well that's how i feel about Jefferson and Gus that the rider doesn't pick the horse the horse will pick its rider an i feel that Gus and Jefferson have picked me as one of their riders i can trust that when i am one them that i know they will get me through the obstacles that are put in front of us when i ride them it feels as if i am flying and all my troubles just kinda fall right off of my body like when we are jumping it feels as if i am soaring over the the clouds and there is no pressure on my shoulders so when ever i here you Belong with me i just think about how riding Jefferson and Gus and how it is like we are alike and act like one when really i am the rider and they are the horses but when i ride it doesn't feel like that at all its more like having trust between the horse and rider the song for me represents passion and love so people may think of there boyfriends or girlfriends i think of that to but i mostly think of the horses i ride and the funny thing is that i it comes on at the barn we all start to sing so i think we all feel the same way
This is me on the Amazing Indigo and i also think that we have a special bond that also belongs with me
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