What is riding is it the passion is it the thrill or the love its not just one of those things it all of them when you put our boot up in the stirrup it about all the work that has gone into you and the horse you may call a champion or a superstar they are what keeps us from losing our confidence they just make it stronger which in return it forms a bond between you and the horse who has carried you through the trails, compitions, shows, and even through the barn this is what its all about
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
two major exciting words FOXHUNTING
hello all next weekend i am going foxhunting with josie from the amazing indigo and eventing belle its gunna be awsome keep your figures crossed for okay weather
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
happy holidays
happy holidays everyone i hope to get back to riding in january but til then i guess i wont have much to blog about and once i start riding again i will be so sore that tit will hurt to move but until the soreness wears off i will have to stay still if i can
Saturday, December 18, 2010
saturday lessons
hello all its me again and today i had my weekly lesson and Gus did well but was very lazy we worked on bending and weaving through cones and figure eights at the walk and trot just really too muddy to canter so that's about it and i then stayed to help in the second lesson and we did games in their lesson after a long cold muddy day at the barn i got home and helped my aunt roll out sugar cookies and then the best friend/sister came over and we are planning on going to the community center tomorrow to swim and goof around and i cant believe that yesterday it was exactly one week till Christmas eve
i hope everyone has a happy holiday season and enjoy time off from work and school hopefully will sleep in and just relax
until i post again which i might tomorrow have a good night
i hope everyone has a happy holiday season and enjoy time off from work and school hopefully will sleep in and just relax
until i post again which i might tomorrow have a good night
Saturday, November 27, 2010
ok update time
I hope every one had a great thanksgiving and a happy holiday season to come riding has been going well last weekend we jumped and it was great until Gus and i jumped two feet for like the second time we had already gone over it once and then it happened he stepped on his shoe and sprung it and got me round to the next jump and stopped so then i dismounted and saw why and the clip was in his hoof wall so i then got on the eventingbelle Sara's first horse bell and we worked up to 2 ft again and when my mom and Sara's mom and my instructor turned to watch she stopped knocked down the jump and sent me flying over the jump it hurt like no other my wrist is still hurting so i don't know what i did ohhh well this weekend we did not get to ride i rode Wednesday and Gus had gotten out of his pastern so we had to fix the electric fence and this week hopefully i will ride on Friday then Saturday and then go to harry potter with my two best friends Sara and Josie and then they are spending the night and Sunday will be a blast so i think i have caught you up on my life lately i will try to blog every Saturday i will even set a reminder on my phone
Sunday, November 7, 2010
hey guys just letting you know that i have not fallen of the face of the earth and been very lazy so maybe more blogging will so start happing again worked at river glen yesterday and today it was awsome
Saturday, September 4, 2010
private lesson today
Okay as the title says i have a lesson to day but not just any kind of lesson Sara was not there she is at the beach have fun in the sun girl and Josie spent the day with her dad so it was just me all by myself and we worked on grids jumping with mister Gus man god i love that horse he was a superstar and even had some energy today so i am very happy with that Gus also told me to tell all my followers hello and that he loves everyone her ohhh and some big news on September 15 this blog will be a year old and running strong along the way on the 18 of September i have and end of summer show at my old barn and Gus and i are in 8 classes 4 limit hunter two of them are over fences up to two feet so i am very happy wish us luck and hopefully there will be a new video on here thanking all of my followers that have hung in there with me through all the problems and success so i love you all and cant wait for the show i will keep you updated on how we do at the show
Monday, August 30, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Hey everyone i know i have not been posting as much as i had promised. School is going pretty well first week was last week and it was insane but is getting better as time goes on ok so the last post was from when i got home from Hilton head so let me speed you up to the current day i rode the Sunday after i returned from the beach witch was nice for the start of being home again.then i have had lessons on normal Saturday time frame from then till now and last Saturday it was only 30 percent chance of rain hahahah hahahahahah yeah right well its started to sprinkle as we rode down to the arena but we just kept going well it got worse and by the time we started to head up ten minutes later by the time we reached the barn we looked like drowned horses and humans but its the price you pay to ride Gus was a little off but it was prolly was good that we headed up anyway when we got back i was lucky enough to have an extra shirt in my boot bag so after a quick change we clean tack and learned how to braid so that was about it i will try to post more often but i make no promises on that i have a lesson Saturday maybe get some more pics but as of now i think i might just post some old riding pics
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
hello all i am back
Hello to all my followers i am back on blogger. this week was the first time i have had lessons in almost a month so i was so excited after getting back from the beach with my best friend Josie and here blog is adventuresofaroan so i was excited to see the Gus man again and he was fabulous i could not ask for more. lessons for this week are on Saturday so i will have another post then til Saturday i am out
Saturday, June 26, 2010
hey to all of my followers i am so sorry i have kinda put my blog on the bottom of my list but i hope i can change that and update more often. okay with that said today was lesson day and you know what that means a surprise for me on what we are doing for the day but today was a fun surprise we did hills again and it was just Sara,Josie,Mrs. Beeler, and well Sara's mom so run up on horses Me-Gus, Josie-blue(her horsey),Sara- bigen, Teresa-Belle(who was not in the best of shape)and last but not leasst Mrs. Beeler- millie. lessons started off as normal as possible with all of us talking but we brushed and tacked up and we where off we headed of into the wooded pasture that belongs to Millie and her two pasture mates so we just moved through the gate when belle started to act strange like she was off so Sara Josie and myself walked to the bottom because we where told to do our thing well we hung out at the bottom of the woods in the pasture near the road before we decided to trot back up to see how things where. We then proceeded to go back down the hill while Teresa took belle to the arena to walk to see if she could work it out we headed down the old drive way and up it at canter several times before heading from the top of the drive to where the old pound was before going up a little deer trail but before we could get that far Millie saw thorns on some bushes and was like ahhhhhhhhhh its gunna kill me so Mrs. Beeler got off and cleared it a little bit before we headed up once we had done that a few times it was time to go across indigo's pasture to go work on some banks with our lovely yet sweaty beasts we did the banks twice and headed to the top pasture to cool off in the rectangle around some cross country jumps we then dismounted and walked some more to cool out before we hosed the horses off and turned them out for the day
Saturday, June 12, 2010
i mmmmmmmm back did you miss me ?
in my last post i said i was leaving for disney and we just got back tonight i cant wait to see sara and josie i hope all is well and the horse show went well for sara i had a great time in disney and i cant believe a week has passed already it feels like i should be leaving to go to disney not come back i cant wait to see the pictures we took i might even post some on here ohh and before i forget do any of you know what a henna tattoo well i got on well down in disney at epcots world showcase in morroco it really awsome right now though i am to tired and will post more and unpack sometime tomorrow hopefully
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
sunday afternoon lessons
hey everyone i just wanted to let you know how lessons went this Sunday and Sara i am sad you missed them you would have liked it. i think my instructor got some ideas from the non hunt ridge run because that was Saturday and Sunday we practiced hills like how to handle your horse will riding hills so we went down into Millie's pasture and did a few jumps and then rode the old drive way and we did that several times walk down canter up and so on for a little while then we headed to the old pound and did a little deer trail that had a gulley at the bottom and i swear my hands where up in the middle of Gus's neck and my butt was on his hindquarters because it was so steep at the beginning and then we headed across Indy Gus and bigens pasture down towards the new cross country jumps that Chloe's dad made for us and we head over two gulley's and on up the hill where we learned how to jump banks and it was so much fun even if it was just at the trot with Gus and that was basically what we did it was a lot of fun and i hope we do it again sometime in the near future that is after i get back from Florida till then i say goodbyye unless i posted again before Friday morning love you guys Sara Josie keep me posted with things at the barn and take care of Gus and make sure no one hurts him and touches my personal barn stuff
Monday, May 31, 2010
hey every one this is just a short update and i will put a post up hopefully sometime this week if i have time from this stressful week with having to pack and dance and the sad thing is i am missing the summer horse camp and i swear if any one hurts my Gus man you will pay jk but i am serious don't hurt him Sara Josie that your job make sure no on hurts him and don't let them use my personal stuff i cant believe i am leaving Friday for Orlando, Florida for a week at Walt Disney so Sara Josie please keep me updated on thing and i will do the same for you i will make sure i have pictures to share when i get back i love you guys a lot have fun with all the horses and say hello to Gus for me while i am away hey and feel free to text me while i am in Florida i don't care it would be good to talk to both of you
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
horse show say what
Sunday, April 18, 2010
semi private lesson
okay the title pretty much says it we only had one other rider in my lesson and her name was Sydney and we just worked in the arena and that was walk trot both posting and sitting and cantering oh and some riding without stirrups and then towards the end we hoped over the low setting of the cavaleties (sorry i don't know how to spell) and that was about it i mean yeah i never thought i would have to shut Gus behind down but yesterday i had to many times because all her wanted to do was get faster and i was like not gunna happen because i am the one that is going to set the speed of how fast or slow and he finally got it through his head so that was about it did i tell you that i only have a four day week this week because we are out Friday and we are having our once a year spring clinic and then on Friday evening Sara and Josie are coming over because we are celebrating my birthday like two weeks early and i cant wait and hopefully that is when i get my new phone because as of Friday night my phone died it wont charge so Josie i am not mad at you its just my phone died so don't be mad at me please i love you and you know that you are like my sister wait no your not you are my sister
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Major news
Ok lesson where on Sunday this weekend and we started down in the stadium arena and we just did a little jumping and then we headed up to the main arena and we did a mock horse show and that just means that we had a fake show and Sara's mom was the judge and my instructor Mrs. Beeler was like every one canter except Megan unless Gus just rolls into it and so the judge calls out for us to start cantering and Gus was getting a little fast so i gave him the aid to canter and within two strides he was cantering and i was like omg i am cantering on Gus so we then transitioned down and went to line up in front of the judge and we did it again and then again it was time to canter and i gave the aid and he struck off and at the end of the lesson i won the silver horse shoe and i found out that i had only missed on of my leads i was so happy so that was the basic lesson
Friday, March 26, 2010
i m not dead and i didnt fall off the face of the earth
so verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry sooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! about my promise of trying to post more often well that fell through i didn't get to ride last week and school this week has been so hard because of last week i had spring break and on the Sunday before spring break i had a dance workshop and can you believe i danced for like almost six hours straight yeah it sounds like a lot but when you are having fun it flies and now that i found out when i am going to disney and when our two summer sessons and advanced placment audition is and that we could possibly be dancing a full ballet at the fantasy of trees at christmas time and the recital is a little less then eight weeks away and i still have one more full dance to learn so i have to remember like 13 dances and then i have to decide what classes to take next year and i have finals in less then 5 weeks i am so stressed with all of this and i thought blogging would help and hopefully i will get to ride this weekend other news my saddle pad came in and i am dying to use it ine that i am glad about is that it is friday and i finally have a day off since i dance all week and ride staurday friday and sunday are my only days off but i am glad it keeps me from being bored all the time and its exercise and it helps with my riding oh and i have had a thought i am thinking about creating another blog just about my dancing and the studio its self so comment and tell me what you think i know this post is kinda a mumbo jumbo of things but since i havent posted in forever i thought it would be okay i hope its not to wet this weeked to ride because i wish we could jump so i dont want it to rain and this is just for my best friend who hasnt asked in a while mark is fine as i type he is sitting beside me and i bet you are asking who is mark that is the name josie gave my cat crush aka mark because all of my animals names start with "M"
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
sooooooooooooooooooooooo very sorry
First of i am so very sorry for my not posting for like three weeks of more so i am very sorry and no i did not fall off the face of the earth i just well kinda forgot Ok a run up on Sundays lesson we basically just did walk trot and canter i know what you are going to ask or are thinking did i say i cantered on Gus and that is a big fat know Josie and i switched i switched to Jefferson while she worked with Gus so with Jefferson i cantered to the left three time around with out stopping and then went to the right three times without stopping so that is basically what went on then when we were heading back up to the barn my instructor said that next week its five times around with out stopping could this be that she is trying to build my stamina up so that we could get ready to start conditioning for the fall maybe that's all i have to say for now i will try to update more often
Monday, February 15, 2010
I am out of school yet again some people would be like Life of a rider that's a great thing not really we are out of snow days and we have to extend our school year if we are out any more so i am not happy with this weather I HATE the cold and it makes riding a huge pain in the butt hopefully spring is on its way because i am tired of having to wear like four or five layers and then not being able to move so i want warm weather to get here so its only wearing one layer your riding pants and a t-shirt or tank top so that's all for now i will post later about our Saturday lesson
Thursday, February 11, 2010
OH MY GOSH everyone and combined last lesson post
i am so super excited because guess what came yesterday for me? a saddle no new riding pants nope a velvet helmet no no no and no . MY custom saddle pad finially came in and all i have to do now is give it to my stepmom so she can give it to her friend to be monogramed so i am so very excited its a black pad with double piping in red around the edges so i am very excited about that i will post a picture a little later(better find camara) and i have a group lesson this saturday with my best friends sara and josie and you no whats even better is that i dont have little kids in my lesson anymore so thats a plus. i am so sorry that i didnt post about lessons we rode down in the grass arena (dressage arena ) and did patterns and played simion says so bigen one the first round and got out in the first move in the second round and then josie and i where left and it was a tie and then we headed up to the barn and because it was so muddy from all the mud and snow so it was a mushy mess so neadless to say that gus didnt like this lesson because of the mud and so he refused to work so it was more like gus was riding me so that lesson was not our best so hopefully this weekend would be better
Saturday, February 6, 2010
i didnt mean to post my video twice
Do you have what it takes
this is just a video that simply is about do you have what it takes to be an equestrian
one of my many pet peevs
OK one of my like top ten pet peevs is when someone who says horse back riding is not a sport well i normally argue with that and say that yes it is a sport and it was in the 2008 summer Olympics so it is a sport it just gets on my nerves because even when you give them reasons that it is a sport they are like all you do is sit on the horse and go around in circles and that is so not true you have to build your stamina and the horses you are using the muscles in your legs and isn't the definition of a sport an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition so yes horse back riding is a sport and i have finally learned to ignore what people say about horse back riding so that is just one of my many pet peevs
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
hello horse lovers
hello everyone on Sunday we actually had lessons and i loved riding in the snow we basically did walk trot both ways and we rode in pairs so it was a lot of fun and this weekend i will be riding on Saturday so there should be another update then and i still have not gotten an email from Dover so i am very sad but it will be here soon enough that's all i have to say for now
Sunday, January 31, 2010
A day for hopefull lessons
Hey everyone i find myself also apologising for not posting in like forever school has been great but on friday we where out because it was suposed to start snowing and snow yes but it didnt start until like two o clock so i didnt see way we didnt go a half day. ok enough of that i was at the barn yesterday because my mom and josies mom where picking us up from my riding instructors son reids 16 birthday and i got to meet saras new horse bigen (sorry sara idk if i spelled that right ) so i hopw we have lessons today even though the ground is covered in snow i think it wuld be fun to do a trail ride around that farm and if you want to see pics of our barn just go to eventingbelle.blogspot.com and also you should go check out what theamazingindigo.blogspot.com has to say as well those to blogs are a reality because two of my best friends are the owners of them ........ i think we will have lessons today but it will be mostly walk trot no jumping unfortuatly but i am just dying to ride so i dont care as long as i can just get on and ride . so i will post later if we have lessons if not then i will most likely still post
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Lessons yay
Today i had lessons and we worked on half passes, backing, hanches in and since it rained last night the arena was a muddy mess so that was not gus's favorite thing but he got over it and for some reason my saddle felt really weird today it kept slipping and it normally doesnt so i dont know maybe it is me maybe i had a off day today who knows what caused it but i have been thinking because now all my friends have horses and sara is hopefull going to get a new horse and i bet you are going to ask why i dont lease belle but i am just to tall and i have been thinking that maybe i should wait till spring or untill i save my money up and get a horse which i just might so who knows i just love riding so much and would like to have a horse to call my own so i can keep wishing for a horse
Monday, January 18, 2010
the best weekend i could ask for
This weekend was the best i got to spend the whole weekend with my best friend theAmazingindigo (josie) on friday we rode and then josie came over and she spent the night and on saturday we went bowling and then i spent the night with josie saturday and we where suposed to have lessons on sunday well they got rained out so we where board so i texted my mom and asked if josie could spend the night again with me on saturday night and my mom said ok josie and i where excited to play on the dance pad with the ddr2 and that gave us both a nice workout and then we watched mall cop which josie had already seen and then this morning we rode again and we worked on hanches in and half passes and i guess you are wondering how Mr. guss a rooo is doing he is fine and is still learning but will soon be going on fox hunting with my instructor but today he wanted to go on strike but i wouldnt let him so he tried a couple cow kicks but i was like not gunna happen buddy boy and then a few more steps forward and two more cow kicks made an appearnce but otherwise all was well with the world but the good thing is that gus has finialy started to gain the conncept of backing up so that now all i have to do is exzagerate just a little and he will back up nicely so hopefully at some point in the near future i will hopefully will be cantering on gus soon so i will keep you updated and very glad i got to spent the whole weekend with the best
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
sick of this evil winter weather
like my title said i am sick of this freezing cold disgusting snowy weather on the plus side of this week i have been out of school but might have to go tomorrow but then i am Friday and Monday this weather is evil because it has been so cold and snowy that i have ridden i like four weeks but Sunday that should change because its warming up so hopefully i will go get to see my Buddie Gus this weekend. last weekend i talked to my instructor to see if lessons were canceled and they were which she said was probably a good thing since the week before Gus got his hoof stuck in the pipe gate and was lame so i was like ya that is a good thing we don't have lessons and on the other hand i am like Gus why do you do this to me but she said he was better i am just glad its actually broke freezing these past couple of days and its starting to warm up before it gets cold again but i wont complain to much i am so excited that i have a couple of things to look forward to and that is my good friend well practically sister Josie is coming over this weekend and i order a saddle pad on Jan 8Th and it said it would take three to four weeks to arrive but the weather should be starting to change soon after it arrives so that's a plus and my step mom knows someone who has a side job that is a monogramming business and i am getting my saddle pad monogrammed with my initials
Saturday, January 9, 2010
OK I Cant Belive i didnt ring in the new year
Hey everyone i cant believe i didnt wish all of my followers a Happy New Year well in 2009 1:some of my goals where to ride more offten check
2:be able to canter on indigo check
3: work on jumping check
4:work with gus check
5: be able to use spurs and a dressage wip with gus
6:work up to get gus consistant so this year 2010 be able to canter
so that is just some of my goals from 2009 some fo this year
1:be able to canter on gus
2: be able to jump one foot with gus
3:be able to take him to the fall show if we have one at sharons
4: maybe buy the saddle that i ride in so its mine
5:go on more trail rides
6: be able to start conditioning for foxhunting
that is just a few of my goals for 2010 if i think of more i will add them
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Everyone You Guessed what i am going to say That i am DYING TO RIDE
Okay in my title i said thati was well dying to ride and that is so true i havent ridden in three weeks because of how unbelievable freezing your butt of cold here and i still have to order that custom saddle pad thats red and black but i thik i am going to do it tomorrow morning because aanother plus is that school is canceled tomorrow because of snow and i got out early today so thats another yay but sleeping in tomorrow is going to be nice so i get a long weekend i really dont know what to say so if i think of anything else i will post again
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